Welcome to TheLunarCat

I have always been fascinated with Eastern Asian culture, especially the Japanese and Korean cultures. So, as part of a personal project for school I decided to research the food of the Eastern Asian countries including Japan, South Korea, North Korea, Taiwan, China (including Hong Kong and Macau), and Mongolia (released early August). Each food culture was unique as a result of the country's history and geography. I had a great time researching and cooking the dishes for each country.
I wanted the web-site to be something useful, so decided to create a menu of five meals for each country, and include the shopping list to cook the meals. When you click on the country link in the menu, you will find information about the food of that country, along with a shopping list you can download (the ingredients are for a family of four), so that you can cook each of the meals. The country page has a link to each of the five meals, which then give you some information about the dish, what ingredients and equipment are required for cooking the dish, along with the video which shows you how to make the dish. If you don't want to cook all five meals, simply buy the ingredients for the meal you want to cook.
I hope you have fun using this web-site, and exploring the different country's dishes, as well as the Asian supermarkets in your area.